Nathalie and Thierry welcome you to the hotel Arolla.

The hotel is located within walking distance of the main points of interest : shops and restaurants (2 min), railway station (5 minutes) and funicular providing the connection with Les Arcs’ ski resort (7-8 minutes).

How to come ?
les chambres hôtel Arolla Bourg Saint Maurice

The hotel offers 11 rooms all equipped with a complete bathroom, 22 or 26 inches LED TVs, free internet access (Wifi),  for 2 to 4 persons.

View our rooms
Rates & availability

Enjoy our breakfast package to start the day! We also offer a range of services to help you during your stay, winter and summer, you will be pampered!

View services
Les services hôtel Arolla Bourg Saint Maurice

Situation & contact

Location :
192 Avenue du Centenaire, 73700 Bourg-Saint-Maurice

Contact us : 04-79-07-01-78

For any further information, do not hesitate to contact us directly or via the form opposite.


    01/02/25  ·  

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    ⬆ La circulation reprend doucement en double sens dans le tunnel

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